Your Words Are Shaping Your Life-Speak Wisely!!!
Good morning!!!
Ever heard the phrase “Be careful what you wish for”? Well, let’s take it a step further: Be careful what you SPEAK, because you’re shaping your future with your words.
On Sunday, Overseer reminded us from Luke 3:1-3 that our tongue is powerful—it can either build up or tear down. What we have in our life right now, we likely spoke into existence.
Today’s Foundational Scripture: Proverbs 18:21… Let’s dive into the word…
Start your day with God… read Proverbs 18:20-24. The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. Your words are either building your future or destroying it- speak wisely. S.O.A.K… much love!!!
This verse is a clear warning: Your words are seeds, and they WILL produce fruit. The question is, are you planting life-giving words or words that lead to frustration, doubt, and destruction?
Life Principles for Taming the Tongue:
1. Pause Before You Speak – If what you’re about to say won’t bring life, encouragement, or wisdom, reconsider it.
2. Speak What You WANT to See – Instead of saying “I’ll never get ahead”, say “God is making a way for me!”
3. Avoid Negative Conversations – Gossip, complaining, and criticism do nothing but plant seeds of discord and discouragement.
A Challenge for Today:
For the next 24 hours, don’t speak a single negative word. If it’s not life-giving, uplifting, or aligned with God’s promises, keep it to yourself. Can you do it? 👀
Pray this prayer with me today: Lord, help me to use my words wisely today. Let everything I speak bring life, encouragement, and truth. In Jesus name-Amen.
Much Love 💕
Pastor Yolanda