When the Curtain Opens, Walk Boldly!!

Good morning !!!


It’s Fun Friday! 🎉 Before we get into today’s encouragement, here’s a little humor to start your day:


Why did the curtain fail its audition? …Because it couldn’t pull itself together! 🤣


Thankfully, God is the one pulling things together for you! When the curtain opens, you’re going to step into a season that’s already been arranged for you. I dare you to throw your head back, lift up your hands and give God a Hallelujah praise right there!!!  Get ready to receive what God is about to release!!!


Today’s Foundational Scripture: 1 Samuel 16:12-13. Let’s dive into the Word…


Start your day with God… read 1 Samuel 16:6-13 focusing on 12-13. So he sent for him and had him brought in. He was glowing with health and had a fine appearance and handsome features. Then the LORD said, “Rise and anoint him; this is the one.” So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and from that day on the Spirit of the LORD came powerfully upon David. You may be hidden now, but when God calls your name, no one can stop your anointing! S.O.A.K…much love!!!

David was hidden in the fields, overlooked by his own family. But when the time was right,(don’t miss that. Let me say it again) But when the time was right, God called him forward. Not his job, not his family, not his friends but God!!! His time behind the curtain prepared him for the anointing. God is preparing your for something that is going to rock your world. He hasn’t left you out David!!! He hasn’t forgotten about you. Be patient and trust the process. And when that curtain opens… you betta WALK!!!! Walk with your head held high knowing that it was only God that pulled you through!!!


Eye-Opening Points to Remember:

1. Anointing Happens in God’s Timing – No one can take what God has for you.

2. Your Hidden Season Doesn’t Define You – David was already a king before anyone saw it. Your identity is in what God says, not where you are right now.

3. When It’s Time to Step Forward, Be Ready – David was already walking in purpose before he was recognized. Start walking in who God says you are now!


Practical Steps for This Weekend:


✔ Self-Care Time: Take time to rest and reflect—God is doing something big behind the scenes.

✔ Prepare for Sunday! Lay out your clothes, set your alarm, and be in the house at 1 PM for corporate worship!

✔ Invite Someone to Church! If you’ve been blessed by this message, share it!


A Fun Challenge for You:


Write a letter to your future self about what God is preparing you for. Seal it, and open it in six months—you’ll be amazed at what God has done!


Prayer for the Day: Lord, thank You for preparing me for greater. When the curtain opens, I will walk boldly into what You’ve called me to. Amen.


See you Sunday at 1 PM—God has something powerful waiting for you! 💙

Much Love 💕 

Pastor Yolanda 


Your Words Are Shaping Your Life-Speak Wisely!!!


The Setup Behind The Curtains!!!